Your Essentials For a Healthy Dental Routine
When we think about dental health, we think simply brushing twice a day is enough. At least that’s what we’ve been advised since we learnt to brush by ourselves.
While brushing your teeth twice a day is a good idea, it won’t be very effective if you’re doing it wrong. A healthy dental routine may involve a few intricacies, which you won’t even realise once you’ve developed the habit.
A healthy dental routine keeps your teeth bright, gums healthy, tongue clean and breath fresh. Let’s understand all the essentials, products and habits, of a healthy dental routine.
Use a Fluoride toothpaste
Fluoride is an important component in dental care, precisely why we’re discussing it before brushing habits.
Fluoride comes from a natural element Fluorine is found in the earth’s soil & protects the teeth against cavities. Additionally, it also hardens tooth enamel, a lack of which can lead to tooth decay.
On realising the importance of this mineral, many communities in the US have added fluoride to their water supply. And this practice is also supported by the World Health Organisation. When selecting a toothpaste, presence of fluoride is equally -if not more- important than the whiting capability and flavour of your toothpaste.
Although most toothpaste and mouthwashes available in the market contain fluoride, it’s your job to make sure your dental products contain it. You can find the information on the back of your toothpaste.
Brush Effectively
Brushing teeth is not a tough job, but believe me when I say this; most of us are doing it wrong. And doing it wrong is almost as bad as not doing it at all.
Brushing too hard is a common mistake people make, doing so can damage your gums and also shave off tooth enamel. This might cause permanent damage and tooth sensitivity issues. Additionally, unremoved plaque can cause buildup and may lead to early gum disease.
The best way to brush your teeth is to hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and brush your teeth in a constant circular motion. Ideally, you should be brushing your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes. Also, it’s best if you avoid back and forth motions as if done wrong they can hurt your teeth.
Ideally, you should be using a toothbrush with soft bristles and replace it every 3 months, or earlier if possible.
Using the right toothbrush
Along with the right brushing technique, it’s essential to have the right toothbrush for you.
There are a lot of choices when searching for a toothbrush, but here are a few things you should keep in mind before buying a toothbrush.
Make sure your toothbrush has a small head; it’ll help you reach every corner of your mouth. Avoid getting a hard toothbrush. Get a toothbrush that’s soft on your teeth and gentle on your gums. And lastly, make sure to get a toothbrush with a good grip. Because having a loose toothbrush ain’t helping the process.
If a tight budget is not a concern, you can get yourself an Electric Toothbrush. Comparatively, they are much more effective than the regular ones. They also come with timers and different vibration settings to fit your needs the best.
Equally important is keeping the toothbrush clean. BrushGuard toothbrush protectors protect your toothbrush against any foreign bacteria by providing a safe, compact housing and are compatible with both; regular and electric toothbrushes.
Floss everyday
Just as it’s important to brush twice a day, it’s important to floss your teeth once a day.
Flossing helps remove plaque, which can cause tooth decay if unremoved, from areas of the teeth that remain untouched by your brush. It also helps remove food particles that usually get stuck between teeth. These food particles if not removed can result in bad breath; and we all know how unfortunate that is.
It’s true that some people find it scary, and it’s a legitimate concern. Kids for example aren't comfortable with flossing themselves and so is true for elder family members. In that case, regular flossing alternatives such as ready-to-use dental flossers and water flossers can be very effective.
The ADA strongly recommends flossing every day and so do most dental health professionals, however, there are no studies that guarantee any claim.
Consider a Mouthwash
Normally, people have this misconception that mouthwash is only beneficial to get a good breath or that it can be a substitute for brushing or flossing, that's not true.
Mouthwash is a great addition to your dental hygiene habit. A mouthwash can help you reduce cavities, remove plaque and reach areas of the mouth that are hard-to-reach for a toothbrush. Additionally, it also freshens your breath.
A mouthwash may not be a substitute, but it can be a helpful addition. To find the best mouthwash, consulting a dentist
Replace drinks containing Sugar
Sugar, in excess, is the biggest enemy of good health. Without even realising we consume more sugar every day than the healthy amount and it affects our dental health as well.
Sweetened beverages in particular are high in sugar and can lead to cavities if consumed regularly. To mitigate the effect, replace those drinks with water or other healthier alternatives.
Regularly visit a Dentist
It’s important to be informed of any dental issues you presently have, as ignoring them will only make the condition worse.
It’s advised that you should be visiting a dentist every 6 months, especially kids. The dentist can provide you with an assessment of your dental health and inform you of any diseases such as cavities, gum disease or mouth cancer.
A regular visit to the dentist adds to the care you are taking as the dentist cleans plaque and can perform teeth whitening if required. If you come across any change in your teeth that you might find concerning visit a dentist immediately.